Monday, January 10, 2011


          his 3rd grading period I've learned a lot of computer thingy, im so glad i learned this kind of activities like, my web page, how to make background images, changing the font color font size and etc.And this coming 4th grading i will struggle more to make things easier again like listening to my teacher and doing what she told us to do. 

new year, new Life

so i guess it’s new years eve. it doesn’t feel like it at all though. i just want to get this “holiday” over with. new years is never fun for me. i don’t have anyone to kiss. i don’t have anyone to be with. i just have nothing to do. it’s boring, and everyone’s busy. it’s been this way for a couple of years now… i’m just lonely i guess. and this year definitely sucked. it’s possible that this was the worst year of my life. i’m not sure. but i’m going to try shaking it off and starting fresh